Reporting Centre (PRC) aims to decrease the gap between the
people and their Union Parishad (UP) representatives and function
as a channel between the people and UP. Currently, people
elect the UP members who should be delivering services to
the people. However in practice there is little interaction
between the UP members and their electorate and the peoples'
voice is not always being heard. PRC will help the UP in strategic
planning, participatory management and community participation
and assist in linking UPs with community groups such as local
traditional leaders, councilors and officials, the private
sector and representatives from women groups. It focuses on
building self-reliance within the community, and developing
interdependent relations between the different layers of government.
PRC will eventually spawn a monitoring system on the activities
of the Union Parishad. This project is funded by Human Rights
and Good Governance Programme Support Unit (HRGG-PSU) of DANIDA.