Democracywatch is an NGO working to establish a true democratic culture and values in Bangladesh. DW brings citizen's concerns to government, monitors policies and encourages democratic participation especially women, youths and marginalized people. DW emerged as a trust in 1995 and became a registered NGO with the NGO Affairs Bureau in 1997.
We envisage DW contributes in strengthening local government institutions and promote decentralization in which women and youths have larger space in decision making process. It promotes harmony and tolerance which facilitate to establish democratic practices especially an acceptable electoral system, local economic development, uphold HR irrespective of race, sex, religion and ethnicity.
DW has been arranging capacity building programs for youths, local governments (LG), sensitizing community people for demanding rights and services, organizing community group monitoring over service delivery bodies, and supporting democratic LGs.
Since 1997 DW has been addressing issues of governance, VAW, access to justice, service delivery, women and youth participation at local and national policy levels through CSO networks.
Since November 2011 DW is providing training to elected women representatives and potential leaders for women's equal participation, representation and leadership within local and political process.
What we do